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How To Get Directions on Google Maps?

You can get directions for driving, public transit, walking, or biking on Google Maps.
Add multiple destinations

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Maps app .
  2. Search for your destination or tap it on the map.
  3. In the bottom left, tap Directions .
  4. In the top right, tap More Add stop.
  5. When you are finished, tap Done.

How do I turn on voice navigation on Google Maps?

Mute, unmute, or hear alerts

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app .
  2. Start navigation.
  3. In the top right, tap Sound . Then, choose one of the following: Mute: Tap Mute . Hear alerts: Tap Alerts . You'll hear alerts like traffic, construction, and crashes. You won't hear turn-by-turn directions.

Can you save routes on Google Maps?

Save a route. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app . Make sure you're connected to the Internet. Search for your destination or tap it on the map.

How do you create a route on Google Maps?

Step 1. Enter an address or city to begin or alternatively zoom and drag the map using the controls on the left to pinpoint the start of your route. Draw your walking or running route by double clicking on the map to set the starting point. Then click once for each of the points along the route you wish to create.

How do you get directions on a Google maps?

Get directions

  1. Open Maps and enter your destination in the Search bar.
  2. Tap Directions.
  3. Choose Drive, Walk, Transit, or Ride.
  4. Select the route that you prefer. Maps shows the fastest route first based on traffic conditions.
  5. When you're ready, tap . 
  6. To end navigation, tap , in the bottom-right corner.

Why can't I get voice directions on Google Maps?

You can choose which speakers to use in Google Maps settings.

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, turn off Bluetooth.
  2. Open the Google Maps app .
  3. Tap Menu Settings Navigation settings.
  4. Turn off Play voice over Bluetooth.

How do I turn on voice navigation on Google Maps on iPhone?

Manage your Navigation Voice settings

  1. Open Maps on your iPhone or iPad and enter your destination.
  2. After you tap , Maps will start turn-by-turn navigation. 
  3. Tap Audio.
  4. Tap the volume level that you want for Navigation Voice.
  5. Swipe up on the Route Card to choose which output you want the Navigation to play from.

How do I get alternate routes on Google Maps?

To see alternate routes:

  1. Tap on the ETA bar at the bottom of your screen.
  2. Tap Routes in the bottom left corner to view other options for routing. To view in steps, tap List view. To view on the map, tap Map view.

How do I choose the shortest route on Google Maps?

The Shortest Distance Between Points on Google Maps

  1. Open Google Maps on your computer.
  2. Zoom into your starting point and right click on it.
  3. Select Measure distance from the right-click options.
  4. Click on the second location you want to measure the distance too.


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